
by - November 27, 2019


Unchaperoned, fingering
my one-way ticket
on board with co-passengers, compassionate,
I am on an uncertain and
a stupefying journey called life.

Carrying luggage of happiness and sorrow
lifting passions and ambitions
I have left the station
called childhood
enveloped in myriad hues of love.

The next station of adolescence
wrapped in immaturity and experience
unsettled emotions and mood swings,
a proclivity to be perfect  
in the land of my dreams.

Chugging and whistling the tune of  life
I reached the Brobdingnagian station
of adulthood- a maze of puzzles and challenges
peregrination from the core of beginning
to the flames of climax.

Battling and untangling the threads
of life on each junction
day to night and all-weather.
sinking deeper and deeper
to outlive the shadow of darkness.

Positivity and strength kindles my conscience
I rise to a future that awaits
to complete my journey
and reach my ultimate station of oblivion 
to unite with Divine.

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