by - March 06, 2019

Friends of all seasons, 
are our unspoken
 friends forever.

I wander in search
of woods far and wide.
I found a tree
Standing aside.

It stared me hard,
I have waited
for you so long,
I choose your ears
for my plight.

Tears rolled down my eyes
I hugged it tight.
It said 
I gave you life
in reward 
you assasinated 
me and my soul.
For buildings high
and roads wide.

The wind rushed by 
in the sky.
With a heavy sigh
It howled
where will the fowls' 
shelter lie?

The scorching heat
will kill lives.
Thou won't survive
your happiness will die.
My heart pounded 
of guilt so fast.

How are we
after a
hineous crime? 

Check this website on speaking tree upon saving trees.
Save Trees, Save The Planet

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  1. A very soul searching truthful observation.The nature which we took for granted is dying at our hands and we call ourselves humans!😢
    It seems that we are in great danger if no urgent steps are taken.

    1. Yes, we need to save trees for us and our future generation.

  2. Excellent post, very inspiring. Keep writing. I wonder how you get such ideas?

    1. I appreciate your kind and encouraging words.Thanks!!

  3. This is truly inspiring, the manner in which you have portrayed the plug of the forests and trees and given them a voice is truly amazing!
