by - September 11, 2019

May Lord Ganesha gives us wisdom to
renew and revive our hearts to restore  peace on this
planet, to welcome him next year in the land of humanity.


Known and unknown in the wilderness
holding an oar of ignorance.
The barbed fence of inhumanity.
pricking in this perfidious world
tattering spirit leaving one
withered and shattered.

When all thoughts release
the heart is free from grief.
He says I am by your side
in the morning golden dews
in the gentle cool breeze
as a light in your conscious

The benevolence to experience
the truth of life
Emmanuel he is.
The supreme force to
ease and resolute all obstacles  
hearts aren't alone allayed to all fears

The silvery river of
life's boat sails in his love
lifted and floated
 in his mystic grace
ordained from above as our deliverance
to merge in the glory of the vast sea.

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