Happy International Mother's Day

by - May 14, 2023

शिशु मन मेरा 
तरसे तेरी 
ममता की छांव को
फैला दो फिर से
शीतल आंचल मां 
मेरे नादान मन पर..
तुम्हारी हस्ती ही मेरी है
क्योंकी तुम्हारा कोई पर्याय नहीं है

©️ अंजना प्रसाद


My mother gave me precious life,
 For my comfort and wishes she strives 

From my heart I celebrate her every day
Her words of wisdom are like pearls of grace
A pious heart where love never dries
A gentle touch O' so divine.

Her selfless love is beyond compare
Her hugs and tender care, calm my fears

Her spirits are high and I never slow 
In her eyes I see my dreams grow

A wine delicate yet strong
Ties a family in her endless love and never goes wrong

Thank you is a teeny word for all she does 
Every time my heart in gratitude wishes Happy mother's Day!!!


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