World environment day

by - June 05, 2022

Time to act

Mother earth is fed up with the sapiens 
She won't plead anymore to the patrons
It's time to understand and comprehend
If we want to breathe and live healthy 
The need of the hour is to plant trees.

Our duty is to save earth, save water, save soil for progeny
If we want to survive and thrive
Abide with the law of sutainability 
Invest our time for mother earth
Pamper her with the love she deserves.

Sow a seed of happiness today by planting saplings
Let thy offsprings reap the fruits of benefits
Drape the barren soul with robes of greenery
Reap sumptuous wealth, return to her the treasure of prosperity.

🌳विश्व पर्यावरण दिवस🌳

जून मास, तारीख पाँच  
विश्व पर्यावरण दिवस आज
वातावरण शुद्ध हो     
प्रदूषण से मुक्त धरा हो
चहुँ ओर हो हरियाली    
चहुँ ओर खुशहाली
जल का करें भंडारण,
हरा भरा हो पर्यावरण
व्यर्थ ना हम बूंद गवाएं
हर व्यक्ति एक वृक्ष लगाएं
विश्व पर्यावरण दिवस हम मनाएं

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