Live your dreams

by - June 08, 2022

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In the wee hours of night
moon and stars smile
angels come in my dreams
take me to the paradise
away from pain and adversaries
away from monotonous routines.

A blend of happiness and serenity
shrouds me
fresh cold breeze enchanting and rejuvenating
it wipes all my tears and apprehensions 
peace vibrates within me as music.

A saga of purity enchants me
it's enigmatic as stars fall upon me 
fills my heart and soul with unbound joy
altar bells ring with the breaking dawn
and I fear to open my eyes.
A sweet dream i wish to live in forever

A treasure trove away from humdrum of life
Angel whispers gently
go back to your world
dreams do come true with
 hard work and sustenance
sweet dreams become reality
go and live your dreams before its too late.


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