Colours in life
Life sans colours is unimaginable, dull and pale
Colours are akin air, to survive hearty and hale
Sunrise and sunset lilac, tangerine O' so divine.
'Neath torquoise skies a palette of colours is life
Accompanied by rainbow of joys, greys of sorrows to thrive
Garden of life offers myriad hues from every angle
Reflects and refracts as teal and blue in mother's bangles.
Myriad hues of festivals, paints soul and mind happiest
Splashing and sprinkling colours according to beholder's perception.
Red deciphers anger, envy, wrath and love
White is purity, peace, silence shrouded in mortcloth.
Feelings of pink wrapped with green of hope
Reap the abundance of green and calmness of blue
Enjoy and play with each and live to fullest
Dream of colours and tears shall dry.