Sun glistens in turquoise sky
to awaken creation from winter slumber
arousing excitement and euphoria
of love, merriment and warmth
in flora, fauna and crisp air.
Turning nature into ballroom amid
cuckoo songs and dancing butterflies
sweet fragrance of roses, pansies
and inebriate aroma of mangoes bloom
proclaiming SPRING is here.
The king of seasons awes by its beauty
borrows vivid colours from rainbow
in its divine beauty to glorify earth.
boughs groomed in tender greens
and myriad hues flowers gleam.
That rejuvenates soul and life
in each atom and cell
of living beings mesmerising soul
coz' heaven lands on earth
showering shroud of love.
The gentle zephyrs transcend
on the realms of the world
abolishing darkness and hatred
by hugging, caressing, celebrating
ardour love in eyes and air.
arousing excitement and euphoria
of love, merriment and warmth
in flora, fauna and crisp air.
Turning nature into ballroom amid
cuckoo songs and dancing butterflies
sweet fragrance of roses, pansies
and inebriate aroma of mangoes bloom
proclaiming SPRING is here.
The king of seasons awes by its beauty
borrows vivid colours from rainbow
in its divine beauty to glorify earth.
boughs groomed in tender greens
and myriad hues flowers gleam.
That rejuvenates soul and life
in each atom and cell
of living beings mesmerising soul
coz' heaven lands on earth
showering shroud of love.
The gentle zephyrs transcend
on the realms of the world
abolishing darkness and hatred
by hugging, caressing, celebrating
ardour love in eyes and air.