by - June 16, 2024

Today, we celebrate Fathers day, trying to  to honor and appreciate their significant role in our lives. We thank them for their valuable guidance and shaping who we are.

With great respect to my father and all fathers out there. I wish...


I still remember the day you left, Dad,
Memories cherished, some happy, some sad
Gone are your words, so full of grace,
And hands that blessed me, now an empty space.

Fourteen years seem an eternity passed
The strongest pillar of my life has shattered 
You cared for me, treating me like a princess 
Granting my wishes for my smile and happiness.

Your illness made you weak and frail,
Then one day it carried you beyond the veil
Creating a void that can never be filled,
My tears flow ceaselessly, throat chokes 

I wish you were here to soothe this silent storm
You stay in my heart, forever warm
Thank you, dear Dad, for all you have done
I wish you a happy Father's Day, up in Heaven.



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