by - July 31, 2022


Telepathy is also known as mind reading. Thoughts are transmitted from one human to another via physical senses and pure vibrations.
There is no need for paper, gadgets, or a horoscope.
Even if two people are thousands of miles apart, they connect on higher level, through thoughts and emotions. Their mind and heart are in sync in a world of cacophony and chaos.
This is a pious and true union.
In earlier days gurus, experts, and warriors used to have this sensing ability, apart from the normal physical senses of sight, hearing, and touching. It is referred as ESP (extrasensory perception).
A person's psychic or telepathic abilities can be developed through time and practice.
In emotionally bonded people the transmission of thoughts are very powerful as in mother and child 
Scientific study and modern day parapsychologists calls it 'psi' prerecognition and psychokinesis combined.
Telepathy helps to remain connected on spiritual and higher level.
©️ Anjana Prasad

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